Become a Contributing Writer

We are looking for passionate and professional writers willing to contribute the right and creative content to our readers. First and foremost, make sure your topic is relevant to our audience. 

Topics We’re Looking For:

  • Skylight Benefits
  • Roof Windows Guides
  • Rooflights Trends                                 
  • Why Should You Write for Us?

    We are an SEO-friendly blog in the home improvement niche. Our main goal is to offer our readers great information and reach a wide range of visitors online. Writing guest posts for us allows you to obtain a lot of exposure in a short amount of time. We’d be happy to help drive traffic to the post by sharing it on Social Media as well. The following guidelines should be followed:

    1. Unique Article 

    We are looking for unique, relevant, attractive and informative content. The article should not be plagiarized. Please avoid any spam content!

    2. Article Length

    The article length should be 1000 words minimum.

    3. Writing Language

    The article should be written in English language only and must be free from grammatical errors.

      4. Article Structure

    We will highly appreciate it if you break down the length of your article into a small paragraph with a nice structure. Please use headings, subheadings, supporting paragraphs, and bullets to structure your writing. Make sure you add the primary keywords throughout the article.

    5. Relevant Links

    You can add one link to your website and one or two relevant external links to authority resources. You can’t add the link to the first paragraph. Please add an internal link to a relevant article from our blog. Direct links to homepages, sales pages and marketing links will be rejected. The article should look natural.

    6. Copyrights

    Our editorial team reserves the right to edit your content (add more paragraphs, images, videos and relevant internal links).

      7. Images

    One image is mandatory. The Image should be created by you or use copyright-free images only.

    8. Author Bio

    You can write and add a nice author bio at the end of the article with a max of 100 words. You can add one link to your social media profile or a personal blog, or a company website. If you are interested in guest blogging, send an email to  or use the contact form below. Please include your list with suggested topics and provide links to your previous work. Our editorial team will review your article and inform you if it meets our expectations for publishing.

    Looking forward to posting your fantastic articles!

Our Articles

The Benefits of Skylights

Skylights are becoming increasingly popular in homes and commercial spaces and for good reason. These special windows installed on roofs offer a range of benefits that go beyond looks.

Exploring Framed Skylights: An Ultimate Guide

Framed skylightsserve as a portal for natural light and also provide an extra dash of style of any space. They play a significant role in creating an energy-efficient, comfortable, and healthy living environment.

Navigating Skylight Installation: Essential Tips for Roofers

As a roofer, one of the most rewarding tasks you can undertake is the installation of a skylight. The process of skylight installation, while rewarding, requires precision, understanding, and careful planning.

Frameless Rooflights - The Future of Modern Home Design

Frameless rooflights, designed without visible frames for an unobstructed sky view, have become a defining feature in modern home design. They are far more than just architectural embellishments.